OpenROAD is run using Tcl scripts. The following commands are used to read and write design data.

read_lef [-tech] [-library] filename
read_def filename
write_def [-version 5.8|5.7|5.6|5.5|5.4|5.3] filename
read_verilog filename
write_verilog filename
read_db filename
write_db filename
write_abstract_lef filename

Use the Tcl source command to read commands from a file.

source [-echo] file

If an error is encountered in a command while reading the command file, then the error is printed and no more commands are read from the file. If file_continue_on_error is 1 then OpenROAD will continue reading commands after the error.

If exit_on_error is 1 then OpenROAD will exit when it encounters an error.

OpenROAD can be used to make a OpenDB database from LEF/DEF, or Verilog (flat or hierarchical). Once the database is made it can be saved as a file with the write_db command. OpenROAD can then read the database with the read_db command without reading LEF/DEF or Verilog.

The read_lef and read_def commands can be used to build an OpenDB database as shown below. The read_lef -tech flag reads the technology portion of a LEF file. The read_lef -library flag reads the MACROs in the LEF file. If neither of the -tech and -library flags are specified they default to -tech -library if no technology has been read and -library if a technology exists in the database.

read_lef liberty1.lef
read_def reg1.def
# Write the db for future runs.
write_db reg1.db

The read_verilog command is used to build an OpenDB database as shown below. Multiple Verilog files for a hierarchical design can be read. The link_design command is used to flatten the design and make a database.

read_lef liberty1.lef
read_verilog reg1.v
link_design top
# Write the db for future runs.
write_db reg1.db

Example scripts#

Example scripts demonstrating how to run OpenROAD on sample designs can be found in /test. Flow tests taking sample designs from synthesizable RTL Verilog to detail-routed final layout in the open-source technologies Nangate45 and Sky130HD are shown below.


Each of these designs use the common script flow.tcl.

Abstract LEF Support#

OpenROAD contains an abstract LEF writer that can take your current design and emit an abstract LEF representing the external pins of your design and metal obstructions.

write_abstract_lef (-bloat_factor bloat_factor|-bloat_occupied_layers) \


Switch Name



Specifies the bloat factor used when bloating then merging shapes into LEF obstructions. The factor is measured in # of default metal pitches for the respective layer. A factor of 0 will result in detailed LEF obstructions


Generates cover obstructions (obstructions over the entire layer) for each layer where shapes are present


read reg1.db

# Bloat metal shapes by 3 pitches (respectively for every layer) and then merge
write_abstract_lef -bloat_factor 3 reg1_abstract.lef

# Produce cover obstructions for each layer with shapes present
write_abstract_lef -bloat_occupied_layers reg1_abstract.lef

Global Connections#

Add global connections#

The add_global_connection command is used to specify how to connect power and ground pins on design instances to the appropriate supplies.

add_global_connection -net net_name \
                      [-inst_pattern inst_regular_expression] \
                      -pin_pattern pin_regular_expression \
                      (-power|-ground) \
                      [-region region_name]

Switch Name



Specifies the name of the net in the design to which connections are to be added


Optional specifies a regular expression to select a set of instances from the design. (Default: .*)


Species a regular expression to select pins on the selected instances to connect to the specified net


Specifies that the net it a power net


Specifies that the net is a ground net


Specifies the name of the region for this rule

# Stdcell power/ground pins
add_global_connection -net VDD -pin_pattern {^VDD$} -power
add_global_connection -net VSS -pin_pattern {^VSS$} -ground

# SRAM power ground pins
add_global_connection -net VDD -pin_pattern {^VDDPE$}
add_global_connection -net VDD -pin_pattern {^VDDCE$}
add_global_connection -net VSS -pin_pattern {^VSSE$}

Perform global connections#

The global_connect command is used to connect power and ground pins on design instances to the appropriate supplies.


Clear global connection rules#

The clear_global_connect command is used remove all defined global connection rules.


Report global connection rules#

The report_global_connect command is used print out the currently defined global connection rules.


Report cell type usage#

The report_cell_usage command is used to print out the usage of cells for each type of cell.


TCL functions#

Get the die and core areas as a list in microns: llx lly urx ury



Check out GitHub discussion about this tool.


BSD 3-Clause License.