Detailed Routing#

The Detailed Routing (drt) module in OpenROAD is based on the open-source detailed router, TritonRoute. TritonRoute consists of several main building blocks, including pin access analysis, track assignment, initial detailed routing, search and repair, and a DRC engine. The initial development of the router is inspired by the ISPD-2018 initial detailed routing contest. However, the current framework differs and is built from scratch, aiming for an industrial-oriented scalable and flexible flow.

TritonRoute provides industry-standard LEF/DEF interface with support of ISPD-2018 and ISPD-2019 contest-compatible route guide format.



  • Parameters in square brackets [-param param] are optional.

  • Parameters without square brackets -param2 param2 are required.

Detailed Route#

This command performs detailed routing.

Developer arguments

  • -or_seed, -or_k

Distributed arguments

  • -distributed , -remote_host, -remote_port, -shared_volume, -cloud_size

    [-output_maze filename]
    [-output_drc filename]
    [-output_cmap filename]
    [-output_guide_coverage filename]
    [-drc_report_iter_step step]
    [-db_process_node name]
    [-droute_end_iter iter]
    [-via_in_pin_bottom_layer layer]
    [-via_in_pin_top_layer layer]
    [-or_seed seed]
    [-or_k k]
    [-bottom_routing_layer layer]
    [-top_routing_layer layer]
    [-verbose level]
    [-remote_host rhost]
    [-remote_port rport]
    [-shared_volume vol]
    [-cloud_size sz]
    [-min_access_points count]
    [-repair_pdn_vias layer]


Switch Name



Path to output maze log file (e.g. output_maze.log).


Path to output DRC report file (e.g. output_drc.rpt).


Path to output congestion map file (e.g. output.cmap).


Path to output guide coverage file (e.g. sample_coverage.csv).


Report DRC on each iteration which is a multiple of this step. The default value is 0, and the allowed values are integers [0, MAX_INT].


Specify the process node.


Option to diable via generation with bottom and top routing layer. The default value is disabled.


Number of detailed routing iterations. The default value is -1, and the allowed values are integers [1, 64].


Via-in pin bottom layer name.


Via-in pin top layer name.


Refer to developer arguments here.


Refer to developer arguments here.


Bottommost routing layer name.


Topmost routing layer name.


Sets verbose mode if the value is greater than 1, else non-verbose mode (must be integer, or error will be triggered.)


Refer to distributed arguments here.


Clean unneeded patches during detailed routing.


Disables pin access for routing.


Minimum access points for standard cell and macro cell pins.


Flag to save guides updates.


This option is used for PDKs where M1 and M2 power rails run in parallel.

Developer arguments#

Some arguments that are helpful for developers are listed here.

Switch Name



Random seed for the order of nets to reroute. The default value is -1, and the allowed values are integers [0, MAX_INT].


Number of swaps is given by \(k * sizeof(rerouteNets)\). The default value is 0, and the allowed values are integers [0, MAX_INT].

Detailed Route Debugging#

The following command and arguments are useful when debugging error messages from drt and to understand its behavior.

    [-net name]
    [-pin name]
    [-box x1 y1 x2 y2]
    [-iter iter]
    [-dump_dir dir]


Switch Name



Enable debug for pin access.


Enable debug for track assignment.


Enable debug for detailed routing.


Enable debug for maze routing.


Enable debug for net name.


Enable debug for pin name.


Set the box for debugging given by lower left/upper right coordinates.


Debugs routes that pass through the point {x, y}.


Specifies the number of debug iterations. The default value is 0, and the accepted values are integers [0, MAX_INT.


Enable pin access markers.


Filename for detailed routing dump.


Directory for detailed routing dump.


Enable visibility of pin access edges.


Enable visibility of pin access commits.


Enable writing of net track assigments.

Check Pin Access#

This function checks pin access.

    [-db_process_node name]
    [-bottom_routing_layer layer]
    [-top_routing_layer layer]
    [-min_access_points count]
    [-verbose level]
    [-remote_host rhost]
    [-remote_port rport]
    [-shared_volume vol]
    [-cloud_size sz]


Switch Name



Specify process node.


Bottommost routing layer.


Topmost routing layer.


Minimum number of access points per pin.


Sets verbose mode if the value is greater than 1, else non-verbose mode (must be integer, or error will be triggered.)


Refer to distributed arguments here.

Distributed Arguments#

We have compiled all distributed arguments in this section.


Additional setup is required. Please refer to this guide.

Switch Name



Enable distributed mode with Kubernetes and Google Cloud.


The host IP.


The value of the port to access from.


The mount path of the nfs shared folder.


The number of workers.

Useful Developer Commands#

If you are a developer, you might find these useful. More details can be found in the source file or the swig file.

Command Name



Set default via.


Set unidirectional layer.


Refer to function detailed_route_step_drt.


Refer to function check_drc_cmd.

Example scripts#

Example script demonstrating how to run TritonRoute on a sample design of gcd in the Nangate45 technology node.

# single machine example 

# distributed example

Regression tests#

There are a set of regression tests in ./test. For more information, refer to this section.

Simply run the following script:




Check out GitHub discussion about this tool.


Please cite the following paper(s) for publication:

  1. A. B. Kahng, L. Wang and B. Xu, “TritonRoute: The Open Source Detailed Router”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (2020), doi:10.1109/TCAD.2020.3003234. (.pdf)

  2. A. B. Kahng, L. Wang and B. Xu, “The Tao of PAO: Anatomy of a Pin Access Oracle for Detailed Routing”, Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf., 2020, pp. 1-6. (.pdf)


TritonRoute was developed by graduate students Lutong Wang and Bangqi Xu from UC San Diego, and serves as the detailed router in the OpenROAD project.


BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE file.