Python Unit Tests#

Running tests#

For running the python unit tests you will need to install first testtools and unittest-parallel which enables concurrent unit testing

pip3 install testtools
pip3 install unittest-parallel

Then, you can run the unit tests in sequence by running


or in parallel by running

../ parallel

Note: The test cases within each Unit Test run in parallel in both situations

Tests Structure#

The directory unitTestsPython includes unit tests for OpenDB Python APIs. Any test file starts with ‘Test’ followed by the test target.

This includes TestCase class which inherits from unittest.TestCase with additional functionalities:

  • changeAndTest(self,obj,SetterName,GetterName,expectedVal,*args)which is a function for changing a value and testing for the effect of that change where:

    • obj is the object to be tested

    • SetterName is the name of the function to be called for changing a value

    • GetterName is the name of the function to be called for testing the effect

    • expectedVal is the expected value for the testing

    • *args are the arguments passed to the SetterName function

    So, in the end, the expected behavior is:


  • check(self,obj,GetterName,expectedVal,*args) which tests against expected value

  • change(self,obj,SetterName,*args) which changes a value in the object

  • main() runs the TestCase in sequential order

  • mainParallel(Test) runs the passed Test class in parallel

A set of functions for creating simple db instances to be used for testing. You can find the description of each function in the comments

Unit test class for testing dbNet. It inherits from odbUnitTest.TestCase . it consists of

  • setUp(self) function to be called before each test case. Here, we create the database with the desired chip, block, masters, instances and nets.

  • tearDown(self) function to be called after each test case. Here, we destroy our db.

  • test_*(self) the test cases functions. Their names should start with test for the unittest suite to recognize.

Integration test class for testing the destroy(*args) function on OpenDB.

  • test_destroy_net destroying net and testing for the effect on the block,inst, iterms and bterms

  • test_destroy_inst destroying instance and testing for the effect on block, iterms, net, bterms

  • test_destroy_bterm destroying bterm and testing for the effect on block and net

  • test_destroy_block destroying block and testing for the effect on block(parent and child relation), and chip

  • test_destroy_bpin destroying bpin and testing for the effect on bterm

  • test_create_destroy_wire destroying wire and test for the effect on net

  • test_destroy_capnode destroying capnode and test for the effect on net(node and connected ccsegs)

  • test_destroy_ccseg destroying ccseg and test for the effect on node,block and net

  • test_destroy_lib destroying lib and test for the effect on db

  • test_destroy_obstruction destroying obstruction and test for the effect on block

  • test_create_regions creating regions and test for the effect on block and region(parent and child relation)

  • test_destroy_region_child destroying _ and test for the effect on block and region(parent)

  • test_destroy_region_parent destroying _ and test for the effect on block

Unit Test for dbBlock

  • test_find testing the find function with BTerm, Child, Inst, Net, ITerm, ExtCornerBlock, nonDefaultRule, Region

  • Testing the ComputeBBox() function through the first call of getBBox:

    • test_bbox0 testing empty block box

    • test_bbox1 testing block box with Inst placed

    • test_bbox2 testing block box with Inst and BPin placed

    • test_bbox3 testing block box with Inst, BPin and Obstruction placed

    • test_bbox3 testing block box with Inst, BPin, Obstruction and SWire placed

Unit Test for dbBTerm

  • test_idle testing for idle disconnected BTerm behavior

  • test_connect testing connect function of BTerm on BTerm and Net

  • test_disconnect testing disconnect function of BTerm on BTerm and Net

Unit Test for dbInst

  • test_swap_master testing swap master function

Unit Test for dbITerm

  • test_idle testing for disconnected ITerm without a net

  • test_connection_from_iterm testing the connect(ITerm,…) and disconnect functions of ITerm and their effect on ITerm and Net

  • test_connection_from_inst testing the connect(Inst,…) and disconnect functions of ITerm and their effect on ITerm and Net

  • Testing for getAvgXY() function

    • test_avgxy_R0 testing with default orientation R0

    • test_avgxy_R90 testing with different orientation R90 for transformation

Problems Found In Testing#

  • multiple core dumps that leads to aborting the process:

    • dbNet.get1st*() (when nothing on top of the list)

    • childRegion.getParent() (after destroying the parent region)

  • Implementation of ComputeBBox() is flawed and needs to be reconsidered