Gate Resizer#

Gate Resizer commands are described below. The resizer commands stop when the design area is -max_utilization util percent of the core area. util is between 0 and 100. The resizer stops and reports an error if the max utilization is exceeded.



  • Parameters in square brackets [-param param] are optional.

  • Parameters without square brackets -param2 param2 are required.

Set Wire RC#

The set_wire_rc command sets the resistance and capacitance used to estimate delay of routing wires. Separate values can be specified for clock and data nets with the -signal and -clock flags. Without either -signal or -clock the resistance and capacitance for clocks and data nets are set.

# Either run 
set_wire_rc -clock ... -signal ... -layer ...

# Or
set_wire_rc -resistance ... -capacitance ...
    [-corner corner]
    [-layers layers_list]

    [-h_resistance res]
    [-h_capacitance cap]
    [-v_resistance res]
    [-v_capacitance cap]

    [-corner corner]
    [-layer layer_name]
    [-resistance res]
    [-capacitance cap]


Switch Name



Enable setting of RC for clock nets.


Enable setting of RC for signal nets.


Use the LEF technology resistance and area/edge capacitance values for the layers. The values for each layers will be used for wires with the prefered layer direction, if 2 or more layers have the same prefered direction the avarege value is used for wires with that direction. This is used for a default width wire on the layer.


Use the LEF technology resistance and area/edge capacitance values for the layer. This is used for a default width wire on the layer.


Resistance per unit length, units are from the first Liberty file read.


Capacitance per unit length, units are from the first Liberty file read.


Resistance per unit length for horizontal wires, units are from the first Liberty file read.


Capacitance per unit length for horizontal wires, units are from the first Liberty file read.


Resistance per unit length for vertical wires, units are from the first Liberty file read.


Capacitance per unit length for vertical wires, units are from the first Liberty file read.

Set Layer RC#

The set_layer_rc command can be used to set the resistance and capacitance for a layer or via. This is useful if these values are missing from the LEF file, or to override the values in the LEF.

    [-layer layer]
    [-via via_layer]
    [-resistance res]
    [-capacitance cap]
    [-corner corner]


Switch Name



Set layer name to modify. Note that the layer must be a routing layer.


Select via layer name. Note that via resistance is per cut/via, not area-based.


Resistance per unit length, same convention as set_wire_rc.


Capacitance per unit length, same convention as set_wire_rc.


Process corner to use.

Estimate Parasitics#

Estimate RC parasitics based on placed component pin locations. If there are no component locations, then no parasitics are added. The resistance and capacitance values are per distance unit of a routing wire. Use the set_units command to check units or set_cmd_units to change units. The goal is to represent “average” routing layer resistance and capacitance. If the set_wire_rc command is not called before resizing, then the default_wireload model specified in the first Liberty file read or with the SDC set_wire_load command is used to make parasitics.

After the global_route command has been called, the global routing topology and layers can be used to estimate parasitics with the -global_routing flag.



Switch Name


-placement or -global_routing

Either of these flags must be set. Parasitics are estimated based after placement stage versus after global routing stage.

Set Don’t Use#

The set_dont_use command removes library cells from consideration by the resizer engine and the CTS engine. lib_cells is a list of cells returned by get_lib_cells or a list of cell names (wildcards allowed). For example, DLY* says do not use cells with names that begin with DLY in all libraries.

set_dont_use lib_cells 

Unset Don’t Use#

The unset_dont_use command reverses the set_dont_use command.

unset_dont_use lib_cells

Set Don’t Touch#

The set_dont_touch command prevents the resizer commands from modifying instances or nets.

set_dont_touch instances_nets 

Unset Don’t Touch#

The unset_dont_touch command reverse the set_dont_touch command.

unset_dont_touch instances_nets

Buffer Ports#

The buffer_ports -inputs command adds a buffer between the input and its loads. The buffer_ports -outputs adds a buffer between the port driver and the output port. Inserting buffers on input and output ports makes the block input capacitances and output drives independent of the block internals.

    [-max_utilization util]
    [-buffer_cell buf_cell]


Switch Name


-inputs, -outputs

Insert a buffer between the input and load, output and load respectively. The default behavior is -inputs and -outputs set if neither is specified.


Defines the percentage of core area used.

Remove Buffers#

Use the remove_buffers command to remove buffers inserted by synthesis. This step is recommended before using repair_design so that there is more flexibility in buffering nets.


Balance Row Usage#

Command description pending.


Repair Design#

The repair_design command inserts buffers on nets to repair max slew, max capacitance and max fanout violations, and on long wires to reduce RC delay in the wire. It also resizes gates to normalize slews. Use estimate_parasitics -placement before repair_design to estimate parasitics considered during repair. Placement-based parasitics cannot accurately predict routed parasitics, so a margin can be used to “over-repair” the design to compensate.

    [-max_wire_length max_length]
    [-slew_margin slew_margin]
    [-cap_margin cap_margin]
    [-max_utilization util]


Switch Name



Maximum length of wires (in microns), defaults to a value that minimizes the wire delay for the wire RC values specified by set_wire_rc.


Add a slew margin. The default value is 0, the allowed values are integers [0, 100].


Add a capactitance margin. The default value is 0, the allowed values are integers [0, 100].


Defines the percentage of core area used.


Enable verbose logging on progress of the repair.

Repair Tie Fanout#

The repair_tie_fanout command connects each tie high/low load to a copy of the tie high/low cell.

    [-separation dist]
    [-max_fanout fanout]


Switch Name



Tie high/low insts are separated from the load by this value (Liberty units, usually microns).


Enable verbose logging of repair progress.


Tie high/low port, which can be a library/cell/port name or object returned by get_lib_pins.

Repair Timing#

The repair_timing command repairs setup and hold violations. It should be run after clock tree synthesis with propagated clocks. Setup repair is done before hold repair so that hold repair does not cause setup checks to fail.

The worst setup path is always repaired. Next, violating paths to endpoints are repaired to reduced the total negative slack.

    [-recover_power percent_of_paths_with_slack]
    [-setup_margin setup_margin]
    [-hold_margin hold_margin]
    [-slack_margin slack_margin]
    [-libraries libs]
    [-repair_tns tns_end_percent]
    [-max_passes passes]
    [-max_utilization util]
    [-max_buffer_percent buffer_percent]


Switch Name



Repair setup timing.


Repair hold timing.


Set the percentage of paths to recover power for. The default value is 0, and the allowed values are floats (0, 100].


Add additional setup slack margin.


Add additional hold slack margin.


While repairing hold violations, buffers are not inserted that will cause setup violations unless -allow_setup_violations is specified.


Flag to skip pin swap. The default value is False, and the allowed values are bools.


Flag to skip gate cloning. The default value is False, and the allowed values are bools.


Percentage of violating endpoints to repair (0-100). When tns_end_percent is zero (the default), only the worst endpoint is repaired. When tns_end_percent is 100, all violating endpoints are repaired.


Defines the percentage of core area used.


Specify a maximum number of buffers to insert to repair hold violations as a percentage of the number of instances in the design. The default value is 20, and the allowed values are integers [0, 100].


Enable verbose logging of the repair progress.

Use-recover_power to specify the percent of paths with positive slack which will be considered for gate resizing to save power. It is recommended that this option be used with global routing based parasitics.

Repair Clock Nets#

The clock_tree_synthesis command inserts a clock tree in the design but may leave a long wire from the clock input pin to the clock tree root buffer.

The repair_clock_nets command inserts buffers in the wire from the clock input pin to the clock root buffer.

    [-max_wire_length max_wire_length]


Switch Name



Maximum length of wires (in microns), defaults to a value that minimizes the wire delay for the wire RC values specified by set_wire_rc.

Repair Clock Inverters#

The repair_clock_inverters command replaces an inverter in the clock tree with multiple fanouts with one inverter per fanout. This prevents the inverter from splitting up the clock tree seen by CTS. It should be run before clock_tree_synthesis.


Report Design Area#

The report_design_area command reports the area of the design’s components and the utilization.


Report Floating Nets#

The report_floating_nets command reports nets with only one pin connection.



Switch Name



Print the net names.

Useful Developer Commands#

If you are a developer, you might find these useful. More details can be found in the source file or the swig file.

Command Name



Repair setup pin violation.


Check if the estimate_parasitics command has been called.


Get the raw value for timing margin (e.g. slack_margin, setup_margin, hold_margin)


Get the above margin in perentage format.


Same as parse_percent_margin_arg.


Check maximum utilization.


Get maximum wirelength.


Check wire capacitance for corner.


Check if wirelength is allowed by rsz for minimum delay.


Get layer RC values.


Set layer RC values.

Example scripts#

A typical resizer command file (after a design and Liberty libraries have been read) is shown below.

read_sdc gcd.sdc

set_wire_rc -layer metal2

set_dont_use {CLKBUF_* AOI211_X1 OAI211_X1}

repair_design -max_wire_length 100
repair_tie_fanout LOGIC0_X1/Z
repair_tie_fanout LOGIC1_X1/Z
# clock tree synthesis...

Note that OpenSTA commands can be used to report timing metrics before or after resizing the design.

set_wire_rc -layer metal2



Regression tests#

There are a set of regression tests in ./test. For more information, refer to this section.

Simply run the following script:




Check out GitHub discussion about this tool.


BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE file.