Manpages Test Framework#

There are 4 regression tests we conduct for the manpages, namely:

  • Translator

  • Count output files

  • Man functionality check

  • Man-to-Tcl check

There are also 2 CI tests as part of the They can be found in .github/workflows/github-actions-docs-test.yml file.

Regression tests#

This is divided into static and dynamic regression tests. Static tests are designed to test the script functionality, whereas dynamic tests are designed to test the documentation compatibitity with the script and will be housed in individual module folders.

Static Test#


The code file can be found here. The objective of this test is to test if the underlying file can be converted to roff format via regex extraction. Namely, the script checks for equality in the number of function names, descriptors, synopsis, options and arguments detected per Tcl command.

Man functionality check#

The code file can be found here. The objective of this test is to check the functionality of the Tcl man command implemented within the OpenROAD binary. Mode 1 is where we run man -manpath <CMD>, and mode 2 is where we do not specify the -manpath argument and just run man <CMD>.

This check makes sure that the files are compiled in the correct location and viewable by the man command.

Dynamic Test#

For all the tests below, do make sure to update it locally every time you make a change to the, update messages, or make a change to the top-level Tcl code.

README-messages check#

The name of this test is {MODULE} The objective of this test is to check the number of parsed module commands and messages.

Man-to-Tcl check#

The name of this test is {MODULE} The objective of this test is to ensure that there are similar counts of command in the following: proc, help, man.

proc and help commands are parsed from the Tcl file, whereas man commands are parsed from the README file.

CI tests#

These two tests ensure that the documents and top-level Tcl files are formatted properly to catch manpage extraction or compilation errors.

  • Tcl Syntax Parser code

  • Readme Syntax Parser code

New Test Checklist#

Adding a new test called func, you must create/update the following:

  •|tcl: Test script.

  • func.ok: Log output of the test.

  • .*ok: Ideal file output of the test (can be def, lef etc).

  • regression_tests.tcl: Update the name of the test. In this case, func.


Jack Luar (Advisor: Cho Moon)


BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE file.